Sunday, April 15, 2012


“If you put everything off until you’re sure of it, you’ll get nothing done”
-Norman V. Peale

Well, well, well. What do you know?  It’s April 15.  That’s 15 days past my self-imposed deadline.  Which means that I have been meandering through the first half of this month without any purpose.  Without direction.  Goal-less!  I’ll blame it on ‘The Loony Bin’-which is where I spend my weekdays between the hours of 8:30am and 4:40pm.  What was once an undemanding Reading Teacher position quickly became a headache inducing 6th Grade Teacher position when a certain Loony did not come back from Spring Break.  Gone are the days of no planning, no grading and no thinking. I now have responsibilities and frankly, I’m not ok with it.  But that brings me to my top goal for April. 

Keep on Keepin on: until the end of the year.  May 18th.  Just 29 work days left.  I can do it.  And hopefully the 6th graders will be able to learn something from my meager math lessons. 
Here's the Loony Bin back in its prime.

Other goals for (the remainder of) April are as follows:

Travel: to NASHVILLE! For my favorite Kentuckian’s bachelorette party.  My boots are already packed and ready for walking and pedaling. In THIS…
 can I getta hell ya?

…and then on to Chicago for Mother’s Day and MaryG’s birthday. Both on the same day this year.  Talk about a double whammy.  Better think of a good gift. (My presence is your present?)

Create: some of these

as well as some more blog posts.   Because now that I have my fancy header from this guy, who is married to this girl, I can’t NOT blog on the reg.

Read: My book club assignment- Kitchen CounterCooking School.

Get: A new job. The time has come.

Drink: More water.  Kind of a lame goal, I know.  But I am somewhat of a camel.  I often have zero glasses of water/day.   I’m a bit sick right now.  I think I coughed up approximately 8 lungs yesterday.  But I’ve been hydrating more than usual and my skin feels refreshed. Imma try to keep that up after this congestion is gone.